
Frequently Asked Questions

Will my trip page ever show up in goggle's search results?
  • Nope!

Can someone not invited to a trip see the trip webpage?
  • If the trip leader sets the trip to 'viewable to the public' then yes. Though a trip member would have to share the unique trip link with a non-member, as trip pages will not show up in a google search. If the trip leader designates the trip to be 'members only', then only logged in trip members can view the page

Will my email address be viewable on a trip page?
  • Your email address will ONLY be viewable to logged in trip members even if the trip leader sets the trip to 'viewable to the public'. Your email address will NEVER be viewable to anyone that is not logged into your trip.

Can there be more than 1 'Trip Leader' for a trip?
  • No, there can be only 1 'Trip Leader'.

What does marking a trip date 'Final' do?
  • Marking a trip date 'Final' takes away the ability for trip members to RSVP to the other (if any) trip dates. When a trip is marked 'Final', all other possible dates are compressed into a summary box showing what the RSVP numbers were for the other trip dates. Once a date is marked 'Final' trip members can only RSVP to the 'Final' selected trip date.

Can I delete a suggested Trip Date?
  • No, trip dates cannot be deleted. All trip dates are saved to your trip. As soon as the 'Trip Leader' marks a date as 'Final' all other possible dates are compressed into a summary box showing what the RSVP numbers were for the other trip dates. Once a date is marked 'Final' trip members can only RSVP to the 'Final' selected trip date.

Can I change my email address on the 'Edit Profile' screen?
  • No you cannot edit your email address. Your email address is used as your username. For security purposes, we do not allow editing of email addresses.

The 'Trip Leader' invited me to a trip with an email address that I do not want to use, can I change this?
  • You will have to have the 'Trip Leader' invite you with the email address that you would like. Changing an email address is not allowed.